How to lose weight: 10 rules for getting rid of excess weight

The secret of losing weight is not at all in a strict diet, and not even in increased physical exertion. Or rather, not only in them. The next ten steps will help you achieve optimal results and lose weight as efficiently as possible.


STEP 1: Remember this quote

Exclusive results do not require exceptional actions, they require routine actions performed daily.

This is the motto of Lee Jordan, an American personal trainer specializing in helping people with excessive weight.

In his opinion, the main mistake of those who decided to lose weight is the wrong way of thinking. The person thinks like this:

I need to throw off a huge amount of extra pounds, I have to drive myself into rigid frames.

But this is the way to nowhere.

STEP 2: Order Buttered Brussels Sprouts

Yes, restaurant food is very caloric. But here you can try products that at home do not cause you the slightest appetite. For example, the beets you hate.

Having tried healthy food with the not quite healthy sauce, you will change your attitude to it and, probably, start to prepare at home more dietary variants of restaurant dishes.

STEP 3: Find a trainer of your training level

Do not look for a Schwarzenegger, find a coach who worked with clients at your fitness level. Otherwise, you might think that the coach has set a too high or too low bar for you. Ask the fitness center manager to advise you a good coach, which will help you lose weight.

STEP 4: Determine the minimum calorie threshold

It will be harder to achieve results for people who set high goals. A sharp decrease in the number of calories consumed can cause irreparable damage to metabolism. A hard diet and sudden weight loss can soon lead not to the discharge of excess weight, but to the opposite results.

Calories, which you don’t burn, are a major factor in weight gain. In addition to the exhausting diet, there are various drugs that help the body get rid of excess calories. Lipase inhibitors are among them. Medications of this group are effective and safe. I recommend you buy orlistat pills Australia online dosage of 60 or 120 mg by a low price. This drug reduces intestinal fat absorption by suppressing the action of the pancreatic enzyme lipase. You eat, but calories don’t enter the organism. Thanks to this your weight gradually decreases. It’s worth noting that Orlistat is very popular among people of Australia.

A serious mistake is to bring yourself to a hungry faint. Reduce the number of calories by 500 or 1000 from the usual amount, count the calories per day and display the arithmetic mean. Compare the reading on weekdays and on weekends. You will be surprised how much the numbers may differ.

How to calculate the number of calories at which weight will reduce?

The formula of Harris-Benedict remains one of the most popular for many years. Since its inception, it has undergone several editions, because progress, changes in the living and working conditions of people have greatly influenced energy consumption. We will take the version of the 1984 formula.

  • Woman: 447.593 + (9.247 × weight in kg) + (3.098 × height in cm) – (4.330 × age)
  • Man: 88.362 + (13.397 × weight in kg) + (4.799 × height in cm) – (5.677 × age)

Thanks to this formula, you will get your base exchange. This is the number of kilocalories necessary for an organism for supporting vital activity in complete rest (breathing, blood pumping, hair growth, etc.) per day. You must multiply the base exchange by the following factors to get the total calorie consumption per day: [1]

  • Sedentary lifestyle: 1.2
  • Slight activity (sports 1-3 days per week): 1.375
  • Average activity (sports 3-5 days a week): 1.55
  • High activity (sport 6-7 days a week): 1.725
  • Very high activity (active sports every day, high physical activity at work, training twice a day): 1.9

You must deduct 10-20% from the result. Thus, you will find the number of calories needed for weight loss.

As an example, we calculate the number of calories for a woman with characteristics: weight 71 kg, height 170 cm, age 45, office worker without sports days.

447.593 + (9.247 × 71 kg) + (3.098 × 170 cm) – (4.330 × 45) = 1437 (base exchange). We multiply it by activity 1.2 and subtract 20% = 1380 kcal. This is the number of calories, within which a woman should be kept for a gradual weight loss.


STEP 5: Your training should not squeeze all the juices out of you

Lee Jordan says that a couple of minutes a day is enough for a start. Then add 30 seconds to each workout. And remember, the greatest benefits are those exercises that you perform with pleasure. It can be ordinary walking. The load on the joints is minimal, and you can always increase the tempo if you feel that you are ready for it.

Take a walk two or three times a week, gradually increasing the time and load. But at the very beginning, set realistic goals.

STEP 6: Lose weight gradually to avoid problems such as saggy skin

Normally, a person should drop from 250 grams to one kilogram per week, not more. Weigh yourself every week on the same day and at the same time.

If you lose more than a kilogram per week, you should think about increasing the calorie content of food. Such an idea may seem blasphemous, but a sharp weight loss testifies that you lose not only fat but also muscle mass. The result will be huge folds of saggy skin on the abdomen, chest, hands.

If you lose less than 250 grams per week, double-check your calculations. Perhaps you forgot to count the calories from the candy in the vase on the desk of your secretary.

STEP 7: Have a snack before breakfast

Take your food every three to four hours. If you have supped at 6, and now it is 10, do not deny yourself a light snack like yogurt. It will calm you until the morning, you will not wake up in the middle of the night, suffering from hunger, and at breakfast, you will not attack an omelet with ham.

STEP 8: Do not cut, but increase

Instead of reducing the amount of sweet, increase the number of vegetables eaten at dinner, this will keep the feeling of satiety for a long time. If you are accustomed to drinking juice or soda, start drinking more water, and then you simply can not drink the same amount of harmful sweet drinks.

STEP 9:  Tune in for intensive workouts

A 15-minute training with simple movements and involving large muscle groups, performed three times a week (on days when you do not have walking) can bring excellent results. Over time, you will begin to exercise with greater intensity, do deeper squats and lunges and lift heavier dumbbells.

STEP 10: Always start with the simplest

Exclude from the diet what you can most easily part with, for example, soda water, which you drink at dinner simply out of habit, and not because you love soda.

Success, achieved by small steps, will inspire you to more serious achievements.

Useful links:

  1. calculate your IBM index using the site.
  2. Online pharmacy offers discounts, check it yourself and order generic Orlistat pills in worldwide by the best price for weight loss.
  3. Three simple science steps, which help to lose weight
  4. Read more about how to lose weight.

We strive to update the information to make the article more useful and relevant to you. Thus, the specialist wrote the following changes:

  • 01.28.2019. The author has added actual information for calculating the calories, which must be consumed for weight loss.

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